Electronic Rep Association- Arizona Chapter

About Us image
Territories Covered:
Arizona, New Mexico, Clark County Nevada, El Paso Texas, Mexico Border Cities of Juarez & Nogales

The Organization
The Electronics Representatives Association is an international trade organization comprised of qualified, professional manufacturers’ representative firms. We work to promote, protect and enhance the multiple-line rep function and our members’ unique system of synergistic selling. ERA acts as the worldwide conduit across the electronics industry for manufacturers seeking professional field sales firms to sell their products. ERA also serves as a resource for electronics and high-technology industries.
As the voice of more than 1,600 manufacturers’ rep sales firms, ERA promotes the rep function to manufacturers, customers, government, the academic community and the electronics industry. Members of ERA sell $50 billion worth of electronics products annually via eight product marketing groups: Communications (COM); Components (CM); Computer (CP); Consumer Electronics (CE); Instrumentation & Sensors (IN); Materials, Assembly & Production (MAP); RF/Microwave (RF); Sound, Audiovisual, Electronic Security (SAVES).
Collectively, ERA’s educational and communications programs keep members abreast of technology advances in the electronics marketplace as well as the latest in marketing and sales techniques, which directly benefit their principals and customers.
The national web site is located at https://era.org.

The Arizona Chapter
The Arizona Chapter of the Electronics Representatives Association is dedicated to promoting and protecting the representative function within the Arizona electronics marketplace. The Chapter is a resource for its members. It provides support for establishing and maintaining the representative function through continuing education and interface with state government. The government interface is important in order to influence legislation in favor of the representative concept and defeat legislation detrimental to the rep business.
The Arizona Chapter maintains a strong relationship with National ERA headquarters in Chicago. The Chapter sends its Board to ERA Headquarters for training in their respective duties, has an active National ERA delegate, and encourages its interested members to serve on National ERA Committees.

Cameron English- English Technical Sales

Chairman of the Board & ERA National Delegate

Kevin Davis- Techni-Source

President & Marketing Coordinator

Rick Dale- Kruvand FTS

VP of Chapter & Events

Wyatt Gifford- English Technical Sales

Treasurer & Secretary

Michael Del Vecchio- D&L Technical Sales

Events Coordinator

Alicia Doten- Techni-Source

Education & Administrator

Drew Vojslavek

Distribution Chair & Events Coordinator

Member Benefits image
Why Belong?
Membership links you through ERA events and communications to the representative community. That link fosters exchanges of information, problem solving sessions and the sharing of ideas and concerns – all the benefits that are most highly valued by those who are already members.

As a member …
… you support the only organization dedicated to promoting, protecting and improving YOUR profession as a manufacturers’ representative in the electronics industry.
Your membership is a credible demonstration to your principals and customers of your long-term commitment to your profession and the ERA Code of Ethics.
Your membership also helps you make money and save money when you take advantage of the benefits, services and programs provided by both ERA NATIONAL and the Arizona Chapter, which include:
Benefits from ERA National
  • An ongoing dedication to helping manufacturers learn about the cost-effective benefits of selling through reps;
  • “Education you can’t get anywhere else” at the ERA National Conference, the only electronics industry event devoted to helping reps and their principals build more productive partnerships;
  • Free bi-monthly educational teleforums;
  • Free access to sales and other business data generated by ERA’s regular survey of both rep and manufacturer members;
  • Eligibility to earn professional certification via the Manufacturers’ Representatives Educational Research Foundation’s Certified Professional Manufacturers’ Representative (CPMR) and Certified Sales Professional (CSP) programs;
  • Free listings in ERA’s online Rep Locator, the industry “bible” for manufacturers seeking professional representation;
  • Free Lines Available e-mail bulletins that update you on manufacturers seeking qualified reps;
  • Free Lines Available listings and many business services offered through the ERA exhibit at the annual Electronic Distribution Show (EDS);
  • Free hyperlinking to connect your firm’s Web site to the Arizona Chapter Web site and the internationally-promoted, interactive site of ERA National;
  • Free subscriptions to The Representor Magazine and other association publications;
  • Free access to rep-savvy advice via telephone consultations with experts on legal, tax, sales training, insurance and advertising/public relations issues;
  • Free business management tools, e.g., many types of contract guidelines (for principals, employees and/or sub-reps), rep council guidelines, industry white papers, POS reporting and split commission guidelines;
  • Discounted pricing on many business necessities, such as group insurance (including life, dental, income protection and liability), computer software, office supplies and auto rentals.

Benefits from Arizona ERA
  • Recognition as a member of the electronics industry’s most proactive professional organization in Arizona;
  • Free admission to all regularly scheduled educational programs and bi-monthly Rep-Distributor Networking Breakfasts;
  • Discounted fees for rep-specific training programs, seminars and special events;
  • Free listing on the Arizona ERA Web site;
  • Free access to territory DTAM (Distribution Total Available Market) data and year-to-year comparative reports;
  • Free access to local Lines Available, the chapter resume service and industry classified ads distributed via e-mail;
  • Free, confidential “matchmaking” services for members who want to buy, sell or merge a firm or forge a sub-rep pact;
  • Eligibility for annual college scholarships available to all member firm personnel and their dependents;
  • Eligibility to participate in the local electronics industry’s most popular golf and bowling tournaments; and
  • Free (but priceless) advice from fellow reps and unparalleled networking with the best in the rep business!

Sorry, registration has ended.

Reg­is­tra­tion Information EDS Par­tic­i­pa­tion EDS is not a tra­di­tion­al trade show – it is 4 days of pri­mar­i­ly pre-sched­uled meet­ings in a venue ded­i­cat­ed to max­i­miz­ing access to the com­pa­nies that make up the autho­rized man­u­fac­ture, dis­tri­b­u­tion and sale of elec­tron­ic com­po­nents. Com­pa­nies are required to be approved before attend­ing EDS and the cost of attend­ing EDS is based on com­pa­ny des­ig­na­tion. THERE ARE NO GEN­ER­AL ADMIS­SION, GUEST, SHOW FLOOR OR ONE-DAY BADGE OPTIONS. For com­pa­nies who have pre­vi­ous­ly attend­ed EDS, reg­is­tra­tion infor­ma­tion was sent out in Novem­ber 2023 for com­pa­nies reserv­ing space at EDS 2024 and in Feb­ru­ary 2024 for Attendee reg­is­tra­tion. Make sure that you have info@​edssummit.​com list­ed as a safe sender to get the most up-to-date information. To request par­tic­i­pa­tion at EDS 2024, please review the infor­ma­tion below and email EDS Man­age­ment at info@​edssummit.​com. Please allow up to 2 busi­ness days for a response. 1. Select which cat­e­go­ry best describes your company Com­pa­ny des­ig­na­tions and par­tic­i­pa­tion options are list­ed below. You must be approved for one of these cat­e­gories before attend­ing EDS. If your company: man­u­fac­tures elec­tron­ic com­po­nents, you are a MAN­U­FAC­TUR­ER is autho­rized to dis­trib­ute elec­tron­ics com­po­nents, you are a DIS­TRIB­U­TOR rep­re­sents one or more Man­u­fac­tur­ers in the sale of elec­tron­ic com­po­nents, you are a REP­RE­SEN­TA­TIVE pro­vides ser­vices such as logis­tics, mar­ket­ing and con­sult­ing, you are a SER­VICE PROVIDER is at EDS to cov­er the event for an autho­rized indus­try media com­pa­ny, you are PRESS. Ad Sales and mar­ket­ing employ­ees are not con­sid­ered Press and must reg­is­ter as Ser­vice Providers. 2. Estab­lish how your type of com­pa­ny may par­tic­i­pate (PRICES LIST­ED ARE FOR EDS 2023 AND ARE FOR PLAN­NING PUR­POS­ES. EDS 2024 PRIC­ING WILL BE AVAIL­ABLE NOVEM­BER 2023) Man­u­fac­tur­er MUST pur­chase space (see Hotel Suites and Con­fer­ence and Exhib­it Space Options) or reg­is­ter as a Man­u­fac­tur­er Not Rent­ing Addi­tion­al Space MAY be an EDS Spon­sor (see Spon­sor­ship Options) Man­u­fac­tur­ers Not Rent­ing Addi­tion­al Space This reg­is­tra­tion includes four badges. Addi­tion­al badges may be pur­chased separately. Man­u­fac­tur­ers attend­ing EDS for the first time may be eli­gi­ble to reg­is­ter at a spe­cial rate (sub­ject to verification) First Time at EDS • $825 ECIA/ERA Mem­ber and $1,140 Non Member Return­ing to EDS • $1,600 ECIA/ERA Mem­ber and $2,200 Non Member Addi­tion­al Badges • $275 ECIA/ERA Mem­ber and $300 Non Member Dis­trib­u­tor MAY attend as an Attendee (no charge for ECIA/ERA mem­bers*, Non Mem­bers $500) MAY pur­chase space (see Hotel Suites and Con­fer­ence and Exhib­it Space Options) MAY be an EDS Spon­sor (see Spon­sor­ship Options) Rep­re­sen­ta­tive MAY attend as an Attendee (no charge for ECIA/ERA mem­bers*, Non Mem­bers $500 ) MAY pur­chase space (see Hotel Suites and Con­fer­ence and Exhib­it Space Options ) MAY be an EDS Spon­sor (see Spon­sor­ship Options) Ser­vice Provider or Autho­rized Supplier MAY be an EDS Spon­sor (see Ser­vice Provider Spon­sor­ship Options) $5,000 includes Dis­play Booth Press MAY attend as Press Attendee (no charge) *Dis­trib­u­tor and Rep­re­sen­ta­tive mem­bers of ECIA/ERA have their badge charges cov­ered by their mem­ber­ship. ECIA/ERA mem­ber­ship sub­ject to ver­i­fi­ca­tion. For infor­ma­tion on mem­ber­ship options, please click on the links below. ECIA con­tact: Stephanie Tier­ney, Direc­tor of Mar­ket­ing Com­mu­ni­ca­tions and Mem­ber Engagement ERA con­tact: Ama Omari Der­ringer, ERA Mem­ber­ship Ser­vices Coordinato To ensure par­tic­i­pant safe­ty, badges are required to be dis­played while in the event area and are issued by com­pa­ny type. Par­tic­i­pa­tion at EDS is lim­it­ed to those pre-approved com­pa­nies who sup­port the EDS Mis­sion State­ment. Badge pric­ing is inclu­sive, for all days of the event, and for access to all pub­lic EDS events and spaces, includ­ing Con­nec­tions Café. THERE ARE NO GEN­ER­AL ADMIS­SION, GUEST, SHOW FLOOR OR ONE-DAY BADGE OPTIONS. Atten­dees will pick up badges at the Reg­is­tra­tion Desk. NOTE: Each attendee will be issued 1 badge. Replace­ment badges will incur a $50/​badge reprint charge. IF YOUR COM­PA­NY HAS NEV­ER ATTEND­ED EDS AND YOU ARE REQUEST­ING BOARD OF DIREC­TORS APPROVAL, please CLICK HERE to fill out your infor­ma­tion that will be reviewed for par­tic­i­pa­tion. Com­pa­nies attend­ing EDS must be approved for atten­dance at EDS by the EDS Board of Direc­tors or their representative. IF YOUR COM­PA­NY HAS ATTEND­ED EDS IN THE PAST and you are arrang­ing for space at EDS 2024, please fill in this EDS SPACE RESER­VA­TION FORM EDS Com­mu­ni­ca­tions If you have attend­ed EDS in the past and are not receiv­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tions regard­ing the change in date and oth­er infor­ma­tion, please do the following:Read More

  • Date: 5/21/2024 08:00 AM - 5/24/2024 10:00 PM
  • Location: Resorts World Avenue, Las Vegas, NV, USA (Map)

Registration ends Friday 5/17/2024

Join us for a day of fun in the Arizona sun! This event is for EVERYONE in our industry. If golf is not your thing....no problem. Join us for networking and lunch and a fun time, Reps, Distributors, Principles & Customers welcome. Invite your Customer to play in your Foursome. $40 - ERA Member Lunch Only $45 - Non-Member Lunch Only $150 - Single Golfer ERA Member + Lunch $175 - Single Golfer Non-Member + Lunch $600 - Foursome ERA Members + Lunch $700 - Foursome Non-Member + Lunch $800- Hole Sponsorship & Foursome ERA Member $850- Hole Sponsorship & Foursome Non-ERA Member SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Platinum Sponsor - $1500 Includes (1) foursome & Recognition on all hole sponsor signs, (1) Social media post from Arizona ERA thanking the company for their sponsorship, (1) Hole Sponsor, Company logo displayed at the check in area & lunch venue. Gold Sponsor - $1000 Includes (1) foursome, (1) social media post thanking company for their sponsorship from Arizona ERA, (1) Hole Sponsor and company logo displayed at the check in area & lunch venue. PRIZES AWARDED FOR: Closest to the Pin Longest Drive- Men Longest Drive- Women Longest Putt Foursome- Lowest Score Foursome- Highest Score Questions: alicia@arizonaera.orgRead More

  • Date: 5/29/2024 07:30 AM
  • Location: Legacy Golf Resort- 6808 S 32nd St, Phoenix, AZ 85042 (Map)

  • 11563 North 132nd Place, Scottsdale, AZ, USA


Officers: Rick Dale, Area Acct Mgr

Mindshare Technical Sales
Officers: Mike Hays; Steve Arnold; Brian Schultz
Officers: Becky Tigerman, Brandon Marroquin

Officers: Alan Reichlin
Officers: Joyce Davis; Kevin Davis; Steve Davis; Kari Grieco
Officers: Roxanne Gustitis
Officers: Cameron English, Pres
Officers: Carole Dickinson
Officers: Randy Kumagai

Officers: AZ: Jonathan Elovitz, NM: Ric Aguilar
Officers: Mike Del Vecchio, President; Suzanne Del Vecchio, VP
Officers: Rory Proper
Officers: Charlie Badzik, President, Carole Gavalyas, CFO/Treas

Website: http://www.tmssales.com

Odonnell Associates Southwest

Officer: David Levy

ERA Chapter: ARIZONA- Arizona, New Mexico

Website: http://www.odonnellsw.com

Arcadia Technical Sales

Officer: Brad Cady

ERA Chapter: ARIZONA- Arizona, New Mexico

Website: https://arcadiatech.com/